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Three smart ways to improve recruiting effectiveness in the digital age

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here and it is creating a major shift in not only who we hire, but why and how.

According to a new report by the World Economic Forum, a third of the skills that are in hot demand now will shift by the year 2020, as robotics and artificial intelligence make their way into most industries. The three Cs – complex problem solving, critical thinking and creativity – top the list as the most sought-after skills in 2020.

With this moving target, how can your organization stay one step ahead of this talent curve?

Let AI do the work

The very technology that is changing the face of who you need to hire could be your best ally in finding your desired skill sets. Having a firm grasp on the many ways AI interacts with recruitment can help organizations make this process more efficient and effective. There are already many apps on the market that can ease the administrative burden of recruiting by screening resumes, finding the best matches and scheduling interviews with candidates.

New developments in AI are getting better at ensuring your recruitment ads reach the right people and tracking some of the key drivers of successful hires so you can replicate. And while human beings still have the final say on who to hire, complex algorithms to evaluate candidates against desired skills, experience and competencies can help ensure hiring decisions are comprehensive, fair and free from bias.

Partner up

Recruiting is not a solo pursuit. For several decades now, smart organizations have built strategic partnerships with universities and colleges as a source for talent. These traditional institutions help recruiters hire the best and brightest; entrance requirements are competitive, training is rigorous and demonstrates the candidate can see a program through to completion. But as we approach 2020, a new type of partnership is emerging, especially in the agile and fast paced tech industry.

Digital skills training organizations like BrainStation and Bitmaker are part of a new generation of educational institutions that move swiftly to equip students with the coding and technical skills that are constantly updating industries. These organizations don’t certify learners with diplomas or degrees. Instead they opt for discrete skill sets that may span two to four weeks of intensive, hands-on learning. Organizations can benefit from paying attention to this group of institutions and being aware of what they are teaching – the types of skills the market will demand in the near future.

Focus on entry-level hiring

According to a recent study by Indeed, 41 per cent of employers say entry-level positions are hardest to fill. Part of the reason for this is that many entry level positions are posted with “1-2 years” experience and a long list of required skills as prerequisites, making these jobs off-limits for most new grads. To stay competitive in the war for talent, organizations may need to shift their thinking on what it means to truly hire an entry level position; candidates come to the organization with the potential, rather than the skills, to do the job. This model requires significant training investment and a degree of risk on the part of the employer, but the payoff can be a loyal workforce ready to grow with the organization. n

Alison Grenier is the head of research and culture at Great Place to Work.




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