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The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) is Canada’s largest HR association and protects the public interest by governing and regulating the professional practice of its more than 24,000 member registrants.

In enhancing its status as a regulatory association, HRPA advances the professionalization of HR and acknowledgment of the profession as a key driver of organizational success by:

  • Ensuring competent and ethical HR practice

  • Creating compelling value propositions for all in HR to become members

  • Providing strong and respected designations based on a globally recognized body of knowledge

  • Validating that capability through rigorous examination and supervision of experience

HRPA is an inclusive community, welcoming anyone, anywhere who practices HR or who has an interest in human resources. All members and registrants enjoy the prestige of being regulated professionals, which signifies to employers their commitment to professional competence and ethical practice.

Who are the 24,000?

HRPA represents more than 24,000 members in the human resources industry. Who are they?

Click the icons below to explore in greater depth the demographics behind that figure. Explore the demographic statistics* to find out what industries HRPA members work in, how long they’ve worked in HR and their seniority, what functions they serve in their organizations, how large their companies are and more.


Demographic Industry Icon Demographic Experience Icon Demographic Seniority Icon
 Demographic HRDepartment Icon Demographic Function Icon Demographic Company Icon Demographic Gender Icon

*All data shown was collected in 2013.